Heating Prices

Our contracted “Co-op Price” is based on daily wholesale pricing. We have secured long term contracts that guarantee our members will pay lower prices for many years to come!

Oil Co-op members pay 40 to 50 cents or more below the State average for full-service heating oil.

Historically, the greatest savings for Co-op members occurs in the dead of winter — between January and March — when demand and prices are highest.

Join today and begin saving!

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No Week Avg. Co-op Price* Avg. State Price** Price Difference
1 11/15/99 0.860 0.990 0.130
2 11/08/99 0.850
3 11/01/99 0.820 0.950 0.130
4 10/24/99 0.830
5 10/17/99 0.840 0.940 0.100
6 10/10/99 0.790
7 10/03/99 0.800 0.940 0.140

7 results found out of 1264
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Avg. Co-op Price vs Avg. State Price

*Avg. Co-op Price reflects Greater Hartford and Central Connecticut. Please call for current Co-op price in your area.

**Avg. State Price is supplied from October to March by US Energy Information Administration weekly survey. You may access their website from our Related Links area.